Kihei Critter Sitters
Kihei Critter Sitters
Quality care in your pet's own home!
Quality care in your pet's own home!
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Aloha and Welcome!
Aloha and Welcome!
Kihei Critter Sitters provides a responsible, loving pet sitter to care for your pets in the comfort and security
of their own familiar surroundings while you are away.
I schedule my visits according to your requirements and your pet's needs: a one-time walk, regularly scheduled visits to administer medications, or multiple daily visits while you are on vacation are no problem!
Since I am a Kihei resident and serve only the South Shore Maui area, I am also able to provide that last-minute potty break if you can't get home on time, or promptly handle any other emergency that may arise.
My goal is to put you at ease about your pet's safety, health and comfort. I will take care of your pets
as if they were my own! I offer dependable professional service and am veterinarian recommended.
** special needs pets welcomed! **
Fetch me at: 808-868-6368 or e-mail
***PLEASE NOTE: *** I am currently only accepting new clients who have air conditioning that can be used to have the home cooler than 80 degrees at the time of my arrival for services. Mahalo! ***
Pet Sitters Associates LLC Member * Licensed, bonded and insured *
Trained in pet first aid by the American Red Cross & American Safety Academy.
Attended Hawaii Pet Disaster Preparedness Workshop Sponsored by Maui Humane Society
& the American Red Cross
Serving pets and their families since 2002