Kihei Critter Sitters
Kihei Critter Sitters
Quality care in your pet's own home!
Quality care in your pet's own home!
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About Me
My pet care service is based on the belief that my clients'
needs and those of their pets are of the utmost importance.
I are committed to meeting those needs by
adhering to the highest standards of ethics and care.
As a result, a high percentage of my business is from
repeat customers and referrals, and I am veterinarian recommended.
I am a Kihei resident and, unlike many pet sitting services,
serve only the South Shore Maui area.
Less time spent driving gives me more time to spend with your precious pets,
and makes it possible to promptly handle any emergency that may arise.
I have experience with special needs pets (blind, deaf, paralyzed, amputees, elderly and incontinent,
diabetic, seizures, highly fearful,) and welcome you to contact me regarding your special pet's care!
I appreciate the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry.
***PLEASE NOTE: *** Pet sitting is a physically demanding job that requires me to be active throughout the day. To reduce my risk of heat-related illness, I only accept clients who utilize air conditioning to have the home cooler than 80 degrees at the time of my arrival for services. Mahalo! ***
Hello & Welcome,
from Mary Beth Binder,
Owner of Kihei Critter Sitters
Aloha! I love animals and have enjoyed the companionship of pets my entire life, including some who required daily medical attention. I have worked independently and with local humane associations rescuing and finding homes for abused and abandoned animals. I started my first pet sitting business on the mainland in 2002 because it provided balance for me: the opportunity to enjoy and spend time with animals who were already well loved and cared for. Obviously I loved it, because I have been doing it ever since!
As a former Massage Therapist of 26 years, pet sitting is a natural extension of my desire to provide care and nurturing. I feel that we are fortunate to share this planet with our fellow members of the animal kingdom. I am so lucky to be able to "throw love" at them all day long, and to be renewed by their joyful and trusting spirits in return!
In my spare time I enjoy dancing, swimming, biking, hiking, reading and creating art.